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PEP mini Netball to inspire a new generation of young girls


What are the PEP mini Netball Festivals?

Who is the sponsor of the PEP mini Netball Festivals?

Why is PEP sponsoring the mini Netball Festivals?

Is this project endorsed by the relevant federation?

Who is eligible to participate?

Are boys eligible to participate in the PEP mini Netball Festivals?

What is the selection criteria for schools to form part of the Festivals?

Is this a tournament or standalone event?

Why is this only rolled out in 3 provinces?

How many games will each team play at these Festivals?

Can a district add teams per age group?

Are the Festivals hosted outdoors? If yes, what will happen in the case of a rainy day?

Are spectators allowed?

Are school gazebos allowed?

Are parents/spectators allowed to bring gazebos?

Are vendors allowed at the Festivals?

Can the host school charge entrance fees to spectators (pedestrians and cars)?

What do the participating schools get?

How do I apply for my local school to partake?

As a local business, how can I support the initiative?

When will the Festivals take place and where?

What time do the Festivals start?

How much netball experience does my daughter need to have?

What should my daughter wear to the Festival?

What are the rules of PEP mini Netball?