What is 1Voucher?
1Voucher is a safe payment voucher that gives everyone a way to pay online, without a bank card or bank account. You can buy a 1Voucher and then use the unique 16-digit PIN on your voucher to pay or top up with any brand in the 1Voucher partner network. You can spend your voucher on healthcare, insurance, Wi-Fi, travel, gaming, shopping and more.
Voucher Denominations
1Voucher denominations available at Pep:
- R70
- R100
- R200
How it works
Step 1
Buy a 1Voucher at Pep.
Step 3
Select 1Voucher as your payment method.
Step 4
Enter the 16-digit PIN on your 1Voucher slip and confirm payment.
Step 5
You've successfully paid or topped up using 1Voucher!
1Voucher Call Centre Details:
- 084 193 5274 (FREE on Cell C)
- 083 903 5274 (FREE on MTN)
- 0861 693 333 (1Voucher Call Centre)
*Calls from all networks can contact the call centre.
For more information visit: 1Voucher.co.za
Terms and Conditions
1Voucher is a bearer document and is akin to money. If it is lost or if the voucher is damaged, the voucher cannot be replaced. 1Vouchers or PINs cannot be exchanged or refunded as cash. Once a 1Voucher has been purchased, it is valid for 3 years and can only be redeemed at selected 1Vouchers partners. Read all the Ts & Cs here