What is a PEP voucher?
PEP voucher can be helpful and a good way to save for some bigger purchases, like back-to-school. It can also offer as an easy gift idea for a loved one.
How do I purchase a voucher?
You can purchase and redeem the voucher at any PEP, PEP Home or PEP Cell store in-country.
What is the value of the vouchers?
The minimum value of a voucher that can be purchased is R30, and only round figures can be purchased (i.e. not R55 – only R50)
Can I redeem the voucher without the slip?
Yes you can but you must have the voucher code on hand.
Tips to keep your vouchers safe
- Store the slip in a safe place away from direct sunlight
- Write the voucher number down
- Take a photo of the till slip